The Overwhelmed – II

One thing that I like (and dislike) about the workspace here is, it is very open.
You can sit side by side, work, talk, discuss, learn and peep into each other’s screens. Yes, that’s what I don’t like. No privacy!!!
Come on! You have to grant a little privacy right? I can’t be play a robot, coding and reading the whole frigging day! I open Facebook, or Wikipedia, or Quora and everybody here walking by my back can see I am at it. Damn man!!! :@

The Overwhelmed

My winter vacations are on. And I thought, why not do something really really interesting this break? And like all broke people, students especially, I applied for an internship at one start-up based in Noida (far off).

I joined the company a few days back, and I really liked this place. (Ok, I still like it.) Since this is a start-up, so they don’t have that very formal and corporate workspace around here, neither is the work culture very restrictive.
And, (again) since this is a start-up, so much work is being done at such a pace, I have never witnessed anything like this. Something like thirty people are working here, and they are working on 18 projects!!!

And forget that, these people are working on technologies (and using technologies) I’ve never even heard of! Celery, Eve, Redis, even Kombu. (Kombu, seriously?)
I am working on a project that crawls the books section of a very popular e-commerce website and builds its own repository from there. Since past three days, I have been reading and reading and reading and reading and studying (finally) about the technologies being used in this particular project. I am so f**king overwhelmed (in case that wasn’t obvious), that I am always in a dazed state of mind. My mind is like.. wtf.. this also happens???

Anyway, just in case you are curious, these are the technologies I am working with: python, Flask, MongDB, Clery, Eve, RabbitMQ, kombu, twisted and a few others.

A nice guy here shared this pic with me.

Zopper Weapons