A music player for the programmers?

I have been tinkering with Emacs and enjoying its extensibility, customizability and hack-ability like I have never enjoyed with any other decent text-editor.

I am a KDE user, and have to use Amarok to listen to music.

It’s a good music player, no doubt, but I seriously miss the ability to customize the playback. I wish I could instruct the music player like this:

Play me two songs by Coldplay from the album X&Y, then play the OST of Gladiators movie. Play it twice or thrice (really love it). After some 20-30 minutes, play some metal rock, to pump up my mood.

If ever there were such media players, won’t life just be tad better?

And yeah, forgot. I definitely want it to be playable on the console too (like mocp).

If anyone does know about any such media player, please share your knowledge.

P.S.: I know about EMMS and Bongo. But I am looking for a standalone programmable music player.